sounds from Con Air

"The degree of civilization in a socity can be judged by viewing its prisoners."

"Cyrus Grisum, aka, Cyrus the Virus. 39 years old, 25 of them spent in our institution."

killed family
"He caught his wife in bed with another man. Left her alone. Drove 4 towns over to his wife's family's house. Killed her parents, her brothers, her sisters, even her dog."

Malloy: What is he? One of these sociology majors who think we're responsible for breeding these animals?
Larkin: No! But i could point a few fingers if it would make you feel comfortable.

"Cyrus is a poster child for the criminally insane. He is a *true* product of the system."

theasurus boy
Malloy: Whats with dictionary boy here?
Larkin: *Theasurus* boy i think is more appropriate.