sounds from Better Off Dead
broke up
Mother: Hello Lane. How was your day?
Lane: Beth broke up with me.
Mother: Oh, thats nice.
Lane: We're through. Thats it.
Johnny: 4 weeks, 20 papers, thats $ tip.
Lane: Gee, Johnny. I dont have a dime. Sorry.
Johnny: Didnt ask for a dime. $2.
Lane: My God! What happened to you? Your all mangled! What'd you get hit by a truck?
Man: Oh no, i was trying to ski the K-12. After the Olympics everything looked so damn *easy*! You gotta be a real moron to try to ski that run. Ya know what i mean?
Lane: ...Yeah.
mom blew up
"Gee, im real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky."
"My grandmother dropped acid, she freaked out and hijacked a school bus full of...penguins!"
Man: So your Al Myers kid.
Lane: Yes i am.
Man: You look pretty stupid to me.
Lane: Thank you.