sounds from Grosse Point Blank
Martin: You dont know my cat. Its very demanding.
Debbie: *It*? You dont know if its a boy or a girl?
Martin: I respect its privacy.
"I sell couch insurance."
Debbie: I thought you'd been murdered or least, thats what i had *hoped* had happened.
Martin: Well, im sorry to disappoint you.
Paul: Kinda crept up on ya, didnt it?
Martin: No, you drove us here.
freaked out
"I freaked out, i joined the Army...i worked for the government, i went into business with myself, im a professional killer! *Thats* what i did!!"
Debbie: I shoulda worn a skirt.
Martin: I shoulda brought my *gun*.
Debbie: What?
Martin: This should be fun!
"Your a handsome devil. Whats your name?"
Martin: Why are you so interested in me going to my reunion?
Marcella: I just find it amusing that you came from somewhere.
Debbie: Your a fucking psycho.
Martin: Dont rush to judgement on something like that until all the facts are in.
Martin: Thanks. I work at Kentucky Friend Chicken.
Amy: You do not.
Martin: I do. I sell biscuts and gravy all over the south.
kill me
"I've met 2 spooks so far, so if they've double booked the job, and, or, they're gunna kill me, i'd like to know about it."
Martin: Look, Sargent...Pepper, i *really* need you to shut up about that.
Marcella: Sir, its out of my hands. The Gods want you to go back home and they want you to delete someone while your there.
"Hi, how are you? Yeah. Im a pet psychiatrist."
"Not married, dont have any kids, and i'd blow your head off if someone paid me enough."
"So tell me more. About your problems. And i'll tell you about mine. And we'll solve them...tonight."
"And i lead a weekend men's group. We special in ritual killings."
Martin: What was i gunna say?
Debbie: That your glad you came back and your real happy to see me.
Oatman: Dont kill anyone for a couple of days. See what it feels like.
Martin: Alright, I'll give it a shot.
Oatman: No no no! Dont give it a shot! Dont shoot anything!
"Dont tease me, you know what i do for a living."
tied up
"God, its been so long i forgot who gets tied up."
"See i figure, if we go *together*, we have a *much* better chance of getting out of there alive. Ya know, we can partner up, watch for traps, ya know, go tandum. Gunna be alot safer than if we go alone."