sounds from Say Anything
"I dont know. I've thought about this quite a bit, sir. And i would have to say, considering whats waiting out there for me, i dont wanna sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I dont wanna sell anything bought or processed. Or buy anything sold or processed. Or...process anything sold, bought or processed. Or repair anything sold, bought or processed. Ya know, as a career. I dont wanna do that."
"Im the new me. Iceman! Power Lloyd! My assult on the world begins *now*!"
im Lloyd Dobbler
guy: Listen, i dont know you very well, ya know. But i wanted to ask you, how'd you get Diane Corp to go out with you?
Lloyd: I called her up!
guy: But, how come it worked? I mean, like, what are you?
Lloyd: Im Lloyd Dobbler!
"This is it. The sight of our contrivirsial first date. Met her in a mall. Shoulda known our relationship was doomed. To our left, we have the street where she broke up with me!"
no women
"I got a question. If you guys know so much about women, how come your here at Gas 'N Sip, completely alone, drinking beers, with no women *anywhere*?"
"She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart and she gave me a...pen."